7 Habits of People Who Never Get Stressed

7 Habits of People Who Never Get Stressed

Read Time: 4 Minutes


04 Feb 2020

There’s always one isn’t there? That person who never seems to get hit by the stressful situations the rest of us face near-on daily. 

Despite outward appearances, the truth is that none of us is a stranger to stress. Some people are just better at handling these emotions. This is largely due to daily habits they’ve formed to proactively make life a little less stressful, and make sure they can handle stress when it does happen to fly their way. 

Here’s how to not get as stressed out, according to habits of unstressed people.

  1. They Sleep Well, Regularly

    women sleeping in a white bed

    It’s not rocket science to say that sleep and stress go hand in hand. Not getting enough sleep can affect your mood, your concentration levels, and the ability to function in general. Combine this with a demanding event and bam! The perfect cocktail for high stress.

    What makes this point particularly important is that, if you’re not careful, you end up in a revolving door of lack of sleep and too much stress. If you’re stressed, you struggle to sleep. If you’re struggling to sleep, you’re more likely to get stressed.

    The only solution is to get into a proper sleeping habit, getting as many hours as your body needs. Easier said than done? Try turning your phone off at 9 pm every night and getting into bed with a book. 

    Keep a pen and a piece of paper at the side of your bed to jot down notes if your thoughts are racing – you can take another look at your list in the morning when you’re feeling fresher and ready to take on the world.

  2. They Have a Strong Friendship Network

    Three friends chatting and laughing in the street

    If a relationship, whether that’s a friendship, family relation or romantic one, starts falling apart, do you have a strong network of other friends to fall back on for support? People who don’t get stressed do. No man is an island, and having a support system to fall back on when it all gets too much is essential. 

    Healthy, supportive relationships are also important for having fun and taking your mind off potential stressors. They make the stress seem less important, and can actually decrease our response to stress. 

    Bit of a lone wolf? Make plans with some friends who you haven’t seen in a while, or try talking to someone new at the gym, or even work. Once you get into the habit of seeing friends, you’ll start to feel better about lots of different things. 

  3. They Know (And Use) the Power of No

    two business men sat at a desk with laptops working out a problem

    So many people struggle to say one tiny, two-letter word: no. It’s not actually the act of saying no we dread; it’s the conflict we often have to face when we use it. To avoid conflict, we’ll say yes, or we’ll sit and stew, worrying about having to come up with an excuse to get out of something.

    But just how are you supposed to say no and not feel bad about it? The key is to be firm, polite and a little selfish. If someone asks you to complete a task you don’t have time for, explain that something else will need to be reprioritised. If you’re asked to go out and you don’t have the energy, explain that you aren’t free to go out but you’ll let them know when you are. 

  4. They Have Goals

    Person stood on the side of a cliff celebrating reaching the top

    Life’s full of ups and downs, but what makes one person more resilient to the downs than others? They have a goal in the back of their minds, a reason to keep powering through. If you don’t have a goal, it’s hard to find the motivation when you are hit with a curveball in life. 

    You can set a goal in any area of your life; it could be a wellbeing goal, a workplace goal, even a relationship goal. Use a life balance wheel, like the one we use here, to figure out which area of your life could do with a little love.

  5. They Watch What They Eat & Drink

    a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables in green and red colours

    Stress is one of the worst things for your health, so it’s no surprise that eating and drinking healthily are also massive factors for keeping stress at bay too. Healthy body, healthy mind after all! 

    We’re not suggesting you turn into a teetotal vegan, but keeping a watchful eye on what you eat and drink can help you keep on track of your health, and therefore reduce this stress factor. 

    Some studies even go as far as to suggest that certain foods can actually help combat stress. So, the next time you’re feeling under pressure why not try:

    •    Herbal teas
    •    Dark chocolate
    •    Avocados
    •    Nuts
    •    Oily fish
    •    Warm milk
    •    Citrus fruits

    …maybe just don’t try them all together!

  6. They Can Leave Work at the Office

    man relaxing at home with his cat and a hot drink

    Ever find yourself taking work home with you? I’m sure we’re all a little guilty of this. But taking problems home with you rarely solves them and can leave you feeling overwhelmed with the situation.

    Imagine that your life is a cup. This cup is your mental, physical and emotional capacity, the water in it is your emotional baggage. If you’re taking work issues home with you, this means that your cup is already pretty full by the time you get home, which makes even small tasks, like walking the dog, cooking dinner, enough to make the water spill over. 

    People who never seemed to get stressed know how to empty their cup. Not sure how to let go and leave it all behind? Try distracting yourself by reading a good book or exercising, literally wash the day off your in a bath or shower, or, if it’s really bad, decompress by venting to your trusted friends.

  7. They Know What They Need

    man kicking back and propping his feet on the window to the view of a beach

    Unstressed people all have one thing in common: they’re highly self-aware. They know their physical and mental needs down to a T, which is why they rarely seem to overwhelm themselves by taking too much on. 

    For example, an unstressed person is more likely to plan a night off to themselves to recover from a difficult week, rather than make more plans to go out. They’re also more likely to get a few more hours sleep in the night before a big day. 

    Try and see if you can recognise the subtle stress clues given by your body and mind, and act on them instead of pushing them to the back of your mind.


Everyone gets stressed – even the people who don’t seem to feel the pressure. The only difference is how you prepare for and cope with the feeling of being overwhelmed. We hope that by sharing these daily habits of people who don’t get stressed, you can avoid these feelings and gain power back over your life.


About the Author

Hi, I’m Ally and I’m instantprint’s PR Lead. I enjoy writing content to help small businesses succeed and inspire them to get creative with their print marketing.