Which FRIENDS Start-Up Would Hire You?

Which FRIENDS Start-Up Would Hire You?

Read Time: 5 Minutes


07 Nov 2018

Here at instantprint we think everyone has a business idea in them. This quite often ends up with us theorising what small companies characters from our favourite TV shows and films would start up.

We recently published a blog that explores what we think the characters from popular sit-com Friends would they be operating if they opened a business in 2018. We came up with some pretty entertaining results, and created fantasy poster designs for each start up business. To read the full blog click here.

Taking things one step further, have you ever wondered what Friends character you'd end up working with? Wonder no more! Take our short quiz to learn which Friends character you're most likely to work for. 



About the Author

Hey, I’m Brooke, a Client Service Advisor at instantprint. I’m trained as an expert in all things print and aim to answer all your most asked questions here on the blog.