Top Mindfulness and Wellbeing Tips From Our Ultra-Marathon Employee on How to Boost Brainpower

Top Mindfulness and Wellbeing Tips From Our Ultra-Marathon Employee on How to Boost Brainpower

Read Time: 4 Minutes


18 Mar 2020

Wellbeing in the workplace is a huge factor in keeping your mind healthy and Sean Kachmarski, Personal Development and Wellbeing Trainer, has revealed his expert tips for mental resilience and mindfulness.  

Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and not overly reactive by what’s going on around us. Sean, a Canadian born speaker and writer, is no stranger to overcoming mental barriers. He is known for sharing his own journey from couch potato to ultra-50k runner and has shared his top tips for workplace wellbeing:


  1. Start your day with an Energising Mindful Shower. Starting the day positively can set you up for a successful day ahead and prepare you for challenges which may come your way at work. 
  2. Use your phone to become more mindful. Many people view technology as a hindrance to wellbeing, often citing the idea of spending too much time on phones as a reason for mental blockages. When used positively, for example downloading mindfulness apps such as Headspace, Buddhify or the Mindfulness App, your phone can become a helpful tool.
  3. Physically energise yourself through simple steps including exercise, getting enough sleep and eating properly. Have a mindful lunch instead of rushing through a snack at your desk. Allow yourself time to re-focus. 
  4. Notice your thoughts, emotions and physiology. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and to understand where your mind can wander. Meditation is a great way to help you to clear your mind and re-centre and has been proven to reduce anxiety and manage difficult emotions.
  5. Finally, if becoming more mindful is a real priority, you can educate yourself further by dedicating some time to reading books such as Resilience at Work, #Chill and Finding Peace in a Frantic World. 

About the Author

Hi, I’m Craig, instantprint’s Marketing Manager. I have a passion for discovering new and innovative ways small business owners can give their marketing a boost.