Introducing Your New Personal Artworker Service

Introducing Your New Personal Artworker Service

Read Time: 3 Minutes


15 Mar 2023

At instantprint, we understand that for many people, setting up and designing artwork for print just isn't something you do every day! So, when the time comes to order print for your small business, don’t be put off by asking for design advice or help with edits!

We’re super excited to announce the launch of our new Personal Artworker service. Where we’re happy to offer a range of free, no-obligation pre- and post- order checks so you know you've got it right. Keep reading to discover what our service can do for you and find answers to any questions you may have!


How Does it Work?

1.    Fill out the Form
Fill out the submission form on our Personal Artworker page or you can drop us an email at with your query.

2.    We’ve Got Your Request
A real person will perform our famous 10-point artwork check, setting your artwork to the right size, converting the colours to CMYK and making any amends that you’ve requested.

3.    We’ll Get in Touch
One of our Personal Artworkers will be in touch via email to offer any advice and share your print-ready file so you’re always kept in the loop.

4.    Place Your Order
Once you’re happy with your new artwork file, our Client Services team will contact you to place your order.


It’s that simple!


What is the 10-point artwork check?

Every single piece of artwork that makes its way to our studio team gets a free 10-point artwork check! Here, our team will check everything from bleed to resolution, legibility to transparency, because we simply won’t send your print to our factory if it doesn’t meet our standards. We’ll never charge for peace of mind.


How Can We Help?

Artwork Checks & Resizing
We can check your design before you order to make sure it’s set up perfectly for print and resize it for your chosen product.

Colour Format & Conversions
We can help set your colour format to CMYK and show the printing colour conversions on your artwork, this way when your design is printed, it will come out exactly how you pictured it.

Small Tweaks & Amendments
We’re happy to make minor amends to images, backgrounds and informational text, such as business card details.

Artwork Set Up
We can help with a variety of artwork set up, including booklet layout, collage set up, step and repeat, and embellishments like spot UV and foiling.

Graphic Design Helpline
Our helpline means we’re on-hand to offer advice and support for clients creating their own design in a design programme like Photoshop.

In-Progress Design Help
We can help finish off an unfinished design as part of our Graphic Design Helpline so you can get on with your day.


Common questions

My file is too big, what do I do?
Don’t panic! You can use a 3rd party file sending service such as WeTransfer if your artwork is over 20mb.

Will I ever have to pay for any amendments?
Nope! Our Personal Artworker service always is and will always remain complementary so you can invest your time and money where it matters most to you.

Will I be working with a real person?
Yes! No chatbots or AI software here, just real people that have proofed and edited thousands of print files, so they know exactly what to look out for and how to help you.

How many amendments can I make?
We're happy to make unlimited amendments that are on our ‘what we can do’ list, as long as you send your full set of requests in one email - this allows us to keep this service free for all customers. 

How long will it take?
We'll try our best to get back to you within 4 working business hours.


In Conclusion

At instantprint, we’re all about saving you time and money, because let’s face it, you have many more important things to do. With our Personal Artworkers by your side and access to our new and improved Design Online Tool, designing your next print project will be a breeze.

Check out our Design Online Tool and range of templates online now to get started.


About the Author

Hi, I'm Jess and I head up the studio team at instantprint. I help customers understand how to supply their artwork for print.